

Articles in the proceedings of reviewed conferences and workshops

  1. Popescu‑Belis A., Atrio À. R., Minder V., Xanthos A., Luthier G., Mattei S., and Rodriguez A. (2022) — Constrained Language Models for Interactive Poem Generation. Proceedings of the 13th Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2022)
  2. Atrio À. R., Luthier G., Fahy A., Vernikos G., Popescu‑Belis A., and Dolamic L. (2021) — The IICT-Yverdon System for the WMT 2021 Unsupervised MT and Very Low Resource Supervised MT Task. Proceedings of the 6th Conference on Machine Translation (WMT)
  3. Luthier G. and Popescu‑Belis A. (2020) — Chat or Learn: a Data-Driven Robust Question-Answering System. Proceedings of the 12th Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2020).
  4. Melly J., Luthier G., and Popescu‑Belis A. (2020) — A Consolidated Dataset for Knowledge-based Question Generation using Predicate Mapping of Linked Data. Proceedings of ISA-16 (16th Joint ACL-ISO Workshop on Interoperable Semantic Annotation).

Presentations at reviewed conferences and workshops, without proceedings

  1. Popescu‑Belis A., Xanthos A., Minder V., Atrio À. R., Luthier G., and Rodriguez A. (2020) — Interactive Poem Generation: when Language Models support Human Creativity. Presentation at the 5th Swiss Text Analytics and 16th KONVENS Conference (SwissText-KONVENS 2020), Online.
  2. Luthier G. and Popescu‑Belis A. (2019) — PLACAT: A user-friendly question answering system for smart speaker devices. Talk at the 4th Swiss Text Analytics Conference (SwissText 2019), Winterthur, Switzerland.

Other talks and posters

  1. Atrio À. R., Minder V., Luthier G., and Popescu‑Belis A. (2020) — Création poétique assistée par ordinateur (CPAO). Presentation at the Data Science Seminar, IICT, HEIG‑VD, Yverdon‑les‑Bains, 12 March 2020.
  2. Popescu‑Belis A. and Luthier G. (2019) — An interactive question-answering chatbot. Idiap Research Institute, Martigny, 27 November 2019.
  3. Popescu‑Belis A. and Luthier G. (2019) — An interactive question-answering chatbot. Swisscom Digital Lab, EPFL Innovation Park, Lausanne, 28 October 2019.
  4. Luthier G. and Popescu‑Belis A. (2019) — Utilisation des réseaux de neurones en traitement automatique des langues. Séminaire du Service des sciences de l'information médicale (SIMED), Hôpitaux Universitaires de Genève, 2 September 2019.
  5. Popescu‑Belis A. and Luthier G. (2018) — Vers des systèmes de question-réponse conviviaux. Séminaire de l'IICT, HEIG‑VD, Yverdon‑les‑Bains, 18 December 2018.